Ayoub Ahmad: Interview with 3D artist

Hi everyone! We continue a series of short interviews with the best artists from Hum3D competitions.

Ayoub Ahmad, author of the «The HV-001», will answer six questions and give us a look behind the scenes of his work.

The HV-001

Tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do and how did you become a 3D artist?

I’m an architect-computational designer, interested in complex geometries, digital fabrications, advanced design methodologies, and their intersections with digital art, Architectural, and cross-disciplinary design like automotive, fashion, and jewelry design.

I’m currently running my own office in Dubai Design District as an independent designer.

I had always been interested in art and creating physical things since I was a kid, not a specific thing in particular! So I’ve chosen to study architecture to its impact on design thinking, and its comprehensiveness of various design disciplines «in my opinion».

What was the workflow behind your latest challenge image? Where did the idea come from?

The workflow was a mix between polygon mesh modeling and procedural modeling, which allows creating some geometries that it’s hard to be done manually like the body skin, and the wheels for example.

The Idea was to envision what a futuristic sports car could look like shortly, with a bio-inspired design, that can be manufactured with the revolutionary new 3D printing manufacturing processes, and powered by electric motors.

What’s the biggest challenge you faced while modeling? Did you learn something new?

Every single project you work on comes with new technical and design challenges that need to be solved, which leads to gaining new skills in solving these challenges to get to the final result.

The SR-001

How often do you do personal projects and keep your portfolio up-to-date? Which one is your favorite?

I would say I always try to work on new personal projects, which can be for both portfolio and pure exploration without any constraints, which can help me gain new skills, Ideas, and new technical solutions that can be applied later in other projects.

Here are some fav examples of my works:

Ayoub Ahmad architectural visualization

Ayoub Ahmad architectural visualization

Ayoub Ahmad architectural visualization

Ayoub Ahmad architectural visualization

What or who inspires you today? Are you a member of any art communities? Any favorite hashtags you check on a daily basis?

I’ve been always fascinated with nature’s fluid forms, bio-structures, complex geometries, and patterns that can be found in nature.

I can mention many great Architects and designers that I admire, but I will just name «Zaha Hadid» because she was and will remain the main influence in my interest in parametric Architecture and advanced design.

I’m a member of Behance, Artstation, therookies. Instagram is a great place to stay up to date with amazing designers’ work.

Some hashtags:

#parametricarchitecture — #parametricdesign — #biomimicry — #algorithmicdesign — #generativedesign — #computationaldesign

Please tell us your five short tips for creating 3D art.

  1. — When we talk about 3D Art, developing modeling skills, and having as many technical solutions as possible helps achieve the desired design.

  2. — Setting up the initial thoughts about the project and supporting them with references and mood boards.

  3. — Rough sketching for the objects, environment, and objects scale in the environment, also help. could be some doodling on the paper.

  4. — Setting up deadlines for different segments of the work is important to not get lost in one part and forget the whole image.

  5. — Good understanding of camera placement, focal length, and its effects on the whole scene are very important.

  6. — Also, postprocessing and its different techniques could significantly help achieve a professional final result.

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