Eden WIP

Greetings! I will try to do something before the end of competition.

Having read the stories of Stanislaw Lem, in my head there was a set of worlds, each of which is amazing and unique.

To begin with, sketched, and put the camera. What to do next — I need to think

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Okay, it is necessary to move away from the previous concept. The pilot landed, then a jeep drove to the settlement of the inhabitants of an unknown planet.

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Work is progressing, but too slowly. The next step: mechanical trees.

Eden WIP

Several Species of trees and sketch of Doubler:

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

Eden WIP

You can see the final render here.

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