Steampunk: New History 3D Challenge > Gallery

EDP98 Ripper Smog BladeGun

  • Author:
  • Tools: Autodesk Maya

The EDP98 Ripper Smog BladeGun is a combined weapon that comprosises of 2 parts; the bronze sword with a handgun apparatus as the weapons' main grip. The major focus of the weapon is a small tube in the sword's crossguard from which the device emits smoke and other gas-related emissions.

This gadget can produce 4 types of discharge; subzero smoke (ice), poison gas, steam that can evolve into a thundercloud (electric), and a flamethrower mode (fire). Choosing in-between the 4 can be accomplished by turning the red valve and then pumping the lever beside the sword hilt. About 6 tubes are placed in the gun's base that will perform the gas conversion mechanism until fired into the hilt's main pipe, and "smoke'm" commences by pulling the trigger.


Victorian era Northwestern Europe, one normal chemist but also a huge Dr. Jekyll fanatic decided that he wanted to make a gun that emits smoke, this is in response to the infamous fog conditions in Britain, so he can mimic Jack the Ripper and wanted something to prove against his doubters(?). The sword being attached to the gun muzzle just so happened to be a stage prop he found from the theatre he frequents apparently./p>

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