• Author:
  • Tools: 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop, Corona Renderer

This scene was created for the Hum3D Space Rover Challenge. I wanted to try it because I never attempted to create a 3D enviroment or a futuristic Modell.

My Idea was to create a scene thats more down to earth and not in a different time, in a Galaxy far far away. So I got Inspiration from modern Military and tried to give my take on it.

The story behind my picture is a simple delivery of supplys.

The World Allianze in the year 2052 started a science Projekt on a Planet not to far from earth with lots of Vulcanic activity, the reason was the abundance of rare elements. But on a Planet like this there are some shortcomings of necessary goods. So when there are new Packages from earth the Truck is send to get them home.

I hope you like it it was lots of fun to make and I couled try some new stuff ^^.

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