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  • Tools: Blender, Gimp, DaVinci Resolve

The Empress did not seem impressed by the on-time preparation of the fourth phase of 'Project Iris'. She kept on reminding the Admiral to move the schedule up, ignoring his report that two out of three recent tests on the 'Scarlett' cores resulted in failure.

Since the neighboring stellar faction announced the second successfull test of their Heisenberg Inter-Realm Cannon last month - which the Admiral regarded as mostly a fluke rather than engineering achievement - the Empress had begun to impose more pressures on the project. Being a person that never admitted defeat, apparently the only one that could calm her mmind is the immediate completion of the flagship 'Bellrossa', the sole objective of 'Project Iris'. Successfull operation of the 'Scarlett' warhead aboard it, however, would be an entirely different matter for the Admiral to solve in a short time.

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